Birding North Peru


6D/5N – The Northern Green Andes and the Marañón Endemics


Arrive at Cocachimba from tour 2 or Tarapoto airport or from Jaen Airport. Dinner at Gocta Lodge. At night we will try Buff-fronted Owl very close to the Lodge.
o/n Gocta Lodge

DAY 2 – Gocta Falls (the high road)

Another visit to the Falls today starting with a drive up to San Pablo with packed lunch, walk through varied habitat to viewpoint and on to centre point of Falls.
o/n Gocta Lodge

Possible birds: Yellow-bellied and Black & White Seedeaters, Maranon Thrush, Azara’s Spinetail, Rufous-capped Antshrike, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Chestnut-crowned Antpitta, Montane Woodcreeper, Johnson’s Tody-Tyrant, Flavescent Flycatcher, tanagers, Lineated Foliage-gleaner, Rusty-winged Barbtail, White-eared Solitaire.

DAY 3 – Rio Chido Trail & Huembo

Early morning drive back east to Rio Chido Trail at San Lorenzo for some special rarities including several antpittas. On to Huembo in the afternoon for a variety of hummingbirds including Marvellous Spatuletail.
o/n Gocta Lodge

Possible birds: Pale-billed, Rusty-tinged & Rusty-breasted Antpittas, Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant, Variable Hawk, Rufous-capped Antshrike Smoky Bush-Tyrant, Mountain Belvetbreast, White-capped Tanager, Peruvian Wren, Torrent Duck; Marvelous Spatuletail, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Green & Sparkling Violetears, Bronzy Inca, Green-tailed Trainbearer, White-bellied & Little Woodstars.

DAY 4 – There’s the possibility to choose two different options:

Option 1 – Archaeological site at Kuelap

Leave early for day at Kuelap ruins, an ancient Chachapoyas settlement high above the road, with local guide, some birding. Lunch in nearby village.
o/n Casa Mallqui.

Possible birds: Plumbeous Rail, Band-tailed Pigeon, Mountain Caracara, Streaked Tuftedcheek, White-browed Chat-Tyrant, White-banded Tyrannulet, Black-throated Flowerpiercer, Rufous-naped Brush-Finch, Buff-browed Foliage-Gleaner, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Shining Sunbeam, other hummingbirds.

Option 2 – Abra Barro Negro & Upper Marañon Valley

Day trip to Abra Barro Negro, the high pass rising to 3600 metres, roadside stops for high altitude specialities, then down to Chaconta in the hot, dry Maranon valley. Back to Leymebamba at dusk.
o / n Hotel in Leymebamba

Possible birds: Moustached Flowerpiercer, White-chinned Thistletail, Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail, Tufted & Black-crested Tit-Tyrants, Rufous Antpitta, Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, Shining Sunbeam, Tyrian & Coppery Metaltails, Great Sapphirewing, Plumbeous Sierra-Finch, Plain-coloured Seedeater, Black-necked Woodpecker, Buff-bridled Inca Finch, Scarlet-fronted Parakeet, Peruvian Pygmy Owl, Bare-faced Ground-Dove, Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Aplomado Falcon, Fasciated Wren.

DAY 5 – Abra Barro Negro & Upper Marañon Valley

Early morning to Abra Barro Negro again from Leymebamba or Day trip to Abra Barro Negro if we come from Casa Mallqui (Option 2 on Day 4).

Possible birds: Moustached Flowerpiercer, White-chinned Thistletail, Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail, Tufted & Black-crested Tit-Tyrants, Rufous Antpitta, Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, Shining Sunbeam, Tyrian & Coppery Metaltails, Great Sapphirewing, Plumbeous Sierra-Finch, Plain-coloured Seedeater, Black-necked Woodpecker, Buff-bridled Inca Finch, Scarlet-fronted Parakeet, Peruvian Pygmy Owl, Bare-faced Ground-Dove, Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Aplomado Falcon, Fasciated Wren.

DAY 6 – Rio Atuen Valley, Leymebamba to Gocta or end Tour.

Morning up the Rio Atuen valleyto bird on a lush Green forest full of orchids and bromeliads. Lunch at café near the museum, then leave to return to Gocta via Chachapoyas for end the tour, or transfer to Gocta Lodge to continue Tour 4.

Possible birds: Andean Condor, Rainbow Starfrontlet, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Booted Racket-tail, Purple-throated Sunangel, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Golden-headed Quetzal, Masked Trogon, Blue-capped & Blue & Yellow Tanagers, Russet-mantled Soft-tail, Fasciated Tiger-Heron, Torrent Duck.

Asociated to APTAE and CONAVE