Buff-bridled Inca Finch – Photo by Nick Athanas

4D/3N – Marañon endemics and Andean Valleys
DAY 1 – Abra Barro Negro & Upper Marañon Valley
Leave Leymebamba for Abra Barro Negro, the high pass rising to 3600 metres, roadside stops on Marañon areas , then down to Balsas in the hot dry Maranon valley, lunch there. Across the river and up to Celendín in the Central Andes, roadside stops including El Limon.
o/n Hostal Turistico, Celendín
Possible birds: Yellow-faced Parrotlet, Buff-briddled Inca-Finch, Gray-backed Inca-Finch, Chestnut-backed Thornbird, White-winged Blck-Tyrant, Streaked Cuckoo, Lesser Goldfinch.
DAY 2 – Celendín, Cruz Conga and Encanada to Cajamarca
Leave Celendin, continue west over Andes to Cruz Conga and La Encanada for high altitude specialities (Rufous Antpitta, Rufous-webbed Tyrant, Black-crested Tit-Tyrant), the Rio Chonta area (for Grey-bellied Comet), then continue to the town of Cajamarca.
o/n Hotel Casona del Incas, Cajamarca
DAY 3 – Cajamarca
Explore road to Chugur & San Marcos (for Great Spinetail) and other sites near Cajamarca.
o/n Hotel Casona del Incas, Cajamarca
DAY 4 – Cajamarca (or on to Chaparri)
Early morning birding at Rio Chonta. End of Tour 4, leave from Cajamarca Airport. Those on extension drive from Cajamarca to Chaparri Lodge via Saucepampa.