4D/3N – Scarlet-Banded Barbet Pre-Tour or Post-Tour Options
DAY 1 – Tarapoto
Arrive Tarapoto. Transfer by minibus (20 minutes) to Tucan Suites, a quality hotel in Tarapoto. Transfers from the airport at any pre-arranged time. Local birding or sightseeing for anyone arriving in daylight.
o/n Tucan Suites Aparthotel – Tarapoto
DAY 2 – Tarapoto to Plataforma
Transfer by minibus to Bellavista and then by 4WD vehicle up to the remote village of Plataforma. This is a very rough journey through thick mud and should only be undertaken by guests with a mission to see the very rare Scarlet-banded Barbet.
o/n in a very basic hotel in Plataforma
Possible birds: depends where you stop to look, perhaps Hoatzin, Golden-collared Toucanet, Red-billed Tyrannulet, Subtropical Pygmy Owl, Black Hawk-Eagle, Grey-headed Kite, King Vulture, Orange-breasted Falcon, Slate-crowned Antpitta, Scarlet-breasted Fruiteater, etc.
DAYS 3 & 4- Plataforma for Scarlet-banded Barbet & others.
All days birding along the muddy forest trails around Plataforma.
o/n in a very basic hotel in Plataforma
Possible birds: Scarlet-banded Barbet, Lined Antshrike, Yellow-breasted Antwren, Buff-fronted & Rufous-rumped Foliage-Gleaners, Ocellated & Strong-billed Woodcreepers, Yungas & Blue-rumped Manakins, Versicoloured Barbet, Pale-eyed Thrush, Golden & Orange-eared Tanagers, Bronze-Green Euphonia, Plain Antvireo, Grey-mantled Wren, Slaty Antwren, Rufous-breasted Ant-Thrush, Wire-crested Thorntail, Booted Racket-tail, Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant.
DAY 5 – Plataforma to Tarapoto
Return from Plataforma down to Bellavista and then to Tarapoto.
Possible birds: as on journey up, can stop lower down for water birds, e.g Large-billed Tern.